Friday, May 7, 2010

Alpacas and Arabians

It's shearing season at the alpaca farm!

They look so fluffy and cute before they go in the shearing shed.

And a bit silly after they come out!

Yes sir, yes sir, lots of bags full!

The fleece gets washed, and then they spread it out on the drying racks.

After many steps (and a lot of equipment) it becomes lovely soft yarn.

These little chicks weren't quite old enough to join their sisters in the coop. Dude REALLY wanted to pet one, but they were too shy, and they scattered every time he put his hand in the tub.

We went to a friend's horse farm to meet the new baby. Isn't he adorable?

Super has already chosen her favorite. Uh-oh.

Mocha says, "Have a great weekend!"

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