Today at school the kiddos took a review test, and either they are learning and retaining their lessons really well, or I made the test too easy. (Dudeman says it's the former, and I think he's right.) After blazing through their tests, they worked on a new Spelling Workout packet, we read the next chapter of Grammar Island, and we continued working on our bat books.
It's a cold, gray, dreary day here. (Look at the sky in the bat picture--if it tries to snow I'm going to file a complaint.) Anyway, it's just way too depressing to take on subtraction with regrouping today, so after having some nice grilled cheese and turkey sandwiches, we cuddled up and read Halloween books together. You can see that we have a nice collection of books, and even though they are too easy for the kids now, it's a tradition to pull them out and read them every year. The kids were happy to see Boo Who? because it's a book of really terrible Halloween knock-knock jokes. We know all the punchlines, but it doesn't matter--every joke must be read and groaned at! Dude has loved the I Spy series since he was two, and every year he does all the Spooky Mansion riddles, even though he knows where everything is. And there is just something about the Teeny Tiny Ghost--even I love that story!
In the afternoon, we brewed some peppermint tea and pulled out the stationery box. The kids both wrote a letter to their cousin and then they wrote to a couple of friends. We have a fun assortment of Japanese letter sets to use for our letters. They all have wonderfully odd kawaii-cute artwork and strange quotes or random English phrases. Super likes a set with an elephant that says, "Happy Elephant Sour Sour." My favorite shows a mama duck and her ducklings walking by the Eiffel tower and it says, "Think of this as a good time to take a break."
My motto for living!
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