We didn't plant the crocuses in this bed--they were a pleasant surprise the first spring after we moved in. It's always so nice to see them appear in March, even when they are pushing through a layer of snow. They are a cheerful purple reminder that winter is waning and spring is on the way...
Look! A bee!
Super really liked the pale crocus with dark purple stripes. For some reason, we only had one this year.
She drew a single blossom and used watercolor pencils to make a soft yellow background.
Dude drew a crocus and last year's dried coneflower pods. He mixed watercolor pencils to match the pink rock perfectly.
I sketched this group of crocuses.
Spring arrives later here than in many parts of the country. These are daffodil leaves--no blossoms yet!

Our grape hyacinth is just beginning to bud; it's still green with a slight purple blush. (And a dandelion! Already?)
We rarely get to see our tulips bloom because the deer enjoy them so much. Apparently something already munched on this one.
These are columbine leaves. And a bit of vinca vine. It tries to take over this bed every year--looks like it's getting a head start already.
We looked up crocuses on Wikipedia and were impressed by the many beautiful varieties. I've decided to add some yellow ones to our flower bed in the fall.
Happy Spring!
Lovely, lovely crocus! Purple is my favorite color and these are just so cheery. I love the watercolor pencil journals, well done. I noticed my columbine is starting to grow too.
I think you did a great job finding some blooms and some promises as well.
Thanks so much for sharing your link for this challenge. I really enjoyed seeing your early spring flowers.
I wanted to make sure to remind you to submit this entry to the OHC Blog Carnival.
Thanks again.
Thanks a lot! Would you believe, the crocuses are now under a foot of snow! I'm glad we enjoyed them while we could!
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