Ladies and Gentlemen! Can water flow uphill? No, of course it can't! Or can it?
What you see here is an ordinary strawberry...

...placed in the center of an ordinary dish of water.

Now, using one of these ordinary matches...

...I shall make this water defy gravity!

I put the match in the strawberry and light it...

...then cover the flame with this ordinary glass.

Presto! Watch as the water rises upwards into the glass!

Dude is having lots of fun with magic tricks today. He also did a cool card trick and made my salt shaker disappear. (Hope he knows how to bring it back!)
Awesome experiment! (And I love that you label things in Spanish! I might snag that idea! LOL) Thanks for stopping in and reading my blog!
Very neat gonna show this to my kids they love magic tricks:)
My son got a magic kit for Christmas but the instructions weren't always very clear so we got him the magic book above. It's great--lots of easy tricks using ordinary things!
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